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Summer is just around the corner and what greater way then to do it serving the Lord! We offer a 1 month intense training program for ages 16-21. Students will come on mission trips with our team, learn outreach, evangelism, and have many other fun nights of worship, prayer and bible study. If you desire to grow more in your relationship with God then, ISM Summer Camp is for you!




Where Do I Stay?

How Much Is It?

Where Will It Be?

We have on campus housing for all students. The fee will be covered upon applying. We ask that students are respectful and responsible of the housing space
as it is limited.

Students will need to pay a $250 fee to cover their housing, travels and meals. Our teams will make sure each student will have the food and housing. Anything extra such as personal needs or things outside of Summer Camp, students would have to purchase would have to be bought with their own finances.

2022 Summer Camp will start in Dayton, OH, from there we will begin our Summer Camp, students under the age of 18 if accepted, will need to sign a waiver stating they will be able to travel to different states or if we do an out of the country mission trip. 

Sign Up Today!

Your Summer Will Never Be The Same!

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