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The Founder's Testimony:

Murad Muhammad, founder of Invasion Ministries International, grew up in Ohio's inner city as a former Muslim. Raised by his grandparents, who were prominent figures in Islam, along with his mother, two brothers, and older sister, Murad's life took a significant turn when his mother remarried a Christian man. This transition led Murad into a new environment, attending church and encountering a faith that challenged his upbringing.


After his mother's separation from his stepfather, Murad's life veered off course. At just 17, he joined a gang, engaging in destructive behaviors including substance abuse and violence. His misconduct ultimately led to expulsion from high school during his senior year.

A pivotal moment occurred when a Christian acquaintance on Facebook confronted Murad about his lifestyle, revealing divine insight into his circumstances. This encounter shook Murad to the core, prompting him to seek God earnestly. At 17, Murad experienced a life-changing deliverance from his past bondage.


Following this transformation, God called Murad into full-time ministry. He pursued theological education, completing an associate's degree in 2 1/2 years at Bible College. During this time, God revealed through a dream that Murad was appointed as a prophet to the nations, with a mandate to warn unbelievers and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Since then, Prophet Murad has traveled to over 17 countries, addressing crowds numbering in the thousands. His story is a testament to God's transformative power and a beacon of hope for those seeking redemption and purpose. If God could do it for Murad, He can do it for you too.


Our mission is to extend our message across every state and to the nations of the earth, aiming to make a profound impact on individuals and communities. We strive to demonstrate compassion and generosity, offering support to those in urgent need. Our efforts focus on providing essential assistance—physical, mental, and spiritual—to enhance well-being and foster positive change. Through dedicated outreach, we seek to inspire hope, uplift lives, and create lasting impact wherever we go.

Invasion Ministries
Invasion Ministries is committed to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom across every state and to the ends of the earth.
In 2017, during a powerful revival service, Murad experienced a profound encounter with God. As he fell under the Spirit's power, he heard a divine message: "Your ministry shall be called Invasion, the Church shall be called Invade, and the Youth shall be called Impact." This encounter marked the inception of Invasion Ministries, and since its launch, Invasion Ministries has witnessed remarkable impact. The ministry's inaugural mission trip to Greece in June 2019 resulted in over 400 conversions to Christianity, baptisms, and miraculous healings. Over time, Invasion has facilitated over 600,000 decisions for Christ.

Today, Invasion Ministries has expanded to include the Invasion School of Ministry, a school of ministry, equipping believers in ministerial excellence, spiritual authority, evangelism, Christian leadership, entrepreneurship, kingdom business and many other facets an realms of influence. Many of the students who have attended have been launched and are serving full-time in ministry. Additionally, the ministry hosts and online discipleship program called "The Sons & Daughters" with over 100 enthusiastic participants from all over the world who engage in weekly Bible studies.

Invasion Ministries has established two church campuses, one in Ohio and another in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, serving as hubs for spiritual growth and fulfillment of God-given callings. The ministry's social media outreach also has a significant presence, with over half a million TikTok followers and over126,000 Instagram followers actively engaged in weekly discipleship and mentoring programs.



The authoritative written Word of God. (Hebrews 4:12)



God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit. (Matthew 3:16-17)​


The Deity of our LORD JESUS CHRIST:

His virgin birth, His sinless life, His doctrine and teachings, His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, and by believing on His name you receive eternal life.

(Matthew 1:21, John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15)



After you have repented of your sins and have been born again through the Spirit, and we believe being baptized is an important public display to your Christian walk and is a commandment that Jesus gave us in the New Testament. (John 3:5, Romans 6:4)



According to Acts 1:8, every believer receives power to become a witness, through prayer and with the evidence of "speaking in tongues", a believer grows deeper in their relationship with Christ after being baptized in the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Luke 3:16)



 We believe in the rapture of the Church and that when Jesus returns, many who are dead shall rise again and sit with Him in Heavenly places. (1 Corinthians 15:52, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Ephesians 2:6)



Every believer has been empowered to live like Christ, walk like Christ, and act like Christ. By the fruit of the Spirit we show forth Christ indwelling in us, and we demonstrate His power through the Holy Spirit working in us. (Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11)



We believe God appointed people on the earth to lead and to guide His people unto good works, and every person has a calling on their life to fulfill that purpose. The five fold ministry gifts are there to help us fulfill what we are called to do. (Ephesians 4:11-12)






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